About Jamie
Getting You Fit For Life
Jamie Myers
My personal transformation
10 years ago I was an overweight London publican & restaurateur who drank too much, had little concept of healthy eating, – basically to me every night was a Saturday night!
10 years ago, hungover once again and generally feeling rubbish, after 25 years of restauranting, I decided to see what life might be like sober and fit! Through simple nutritional changes and exercise three times weekly ( I found a great Personal Trainer), I shifted 12 kilos in three months. After selling my restaurant business in London, loving this new life, I decided to qualify as a Personal Trainer.
I’ve just entered my 60’s and for the last 10 years i’ve been energised and fit! I run 10Ks, I’m strong , I can lift my own bodyweight.
Having gone through this wonderful change of lifestyle, I now have the experience & knowledge to help you change your habits and do the same!
Please check my many testimonials to see what I’ve done for other people.
At our first consultation we will discuss your goals, agree a strategy and put a plan in place that will see you get the results you want.
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